In our case, markers will be used to set the position at a specific time on the composite shot timeline. In HitFilm Express, sliding effects can be created using a property’s position settings and markers. Now that everything is in place, the sliding effects can be created. For the sliding text effect to look good, place it near a side edge close to the bottom of the Viewer. To do this, select the Selection Tool (V) in the Viewer container (also by pressing the V key) and use the arrows to move the box left/right and/or up/down. This is a good time to play around to get the feel you want.Īfter the text has been created and formatted, it is time to place it in the spot where the viewers will read the text (i.e. On smaller screens, you will need to press the right arrow to expose it.Īfter selecting the text to be formatted, the font type, size, spacing, decoration and colour can be changed in the Text properties panel. The Text properties tab is situated on the far right of the Media properties section. At this point, the location/position of the text box is not important.Īfter the text has been added, you can always go back to the created composite shot and double-clicking in the text block after selecting the Text tool/icon. Simply drag a box area that will be about double the size of the text you anticipate to add, click in the box with the text cursor and start typing. Alter selecting the Text icon (or pressing T on the keyboard), the text cursor will appear. In HitFilm Express, text can be created in the Viewer panel.
The newly created composite shot will now show up in the Media section and next to the Editor panel. 1 second for sliding in, 4 seconds to show, and 1 second to slide out again). Usually, about 6 seconds is enough for shorter pieces of text (e.g. In the Composite Shot Properties panel, change the name to something more descriptive and change the duration. Composite shots are created by clicking on the (+) New button below the Media panel and selecting Composite Shot (or by pressing the Ctrl+ Shift+ N on the keyboard). In HitFilm Express, a sliding text effect can easily be created its tools inside a composite shot. They are effectively used to introduce the watcher to elements such as names and titles, flashing of social media addresses and many more.
Simple sliding text effects are popularly used in many professional video productions including YouTube and news channels.